What has been your experience with Ambien

What has been your experience with Ambien?

I am an experienced pharmacist, and I have my Online pharmacy store. I have researched and studied all medicines, including Ambien. It is used to treat insomnia. It’s a problem when you feel trouble sleeping. 25% of Americans experience insomnia per year. It’s a severe problem and can’t be cured without proper treatment. If I talk about the global level, 33-50% of people have insomnia per year. If you want to ride off Insomnia, you can buy Ambien online from our store with the correct information (because I have faced it and got enough experience).

If I talk about my experience with Ambien, it was pretty impressive. A few years ago, I was suffering from insomnia, and then Ambien came into my life. Because I am a medical expert so I already know about Ambien and its benefits. I started correctly taking this medicine. It has changed my life. Now I can sleep early without any problem, and it helps me maintain my daily routine.

The best part about the Ambien is that it works so well. I am very grateful that I have enough knowledge about medicines; therefore, I suggested Ambien myself. I want to recommend to all, who are reading this article, that if you have the same problem, don’t be so late to buy it from an authentic site. You may order it from our store too.

I have written this article because I have got several benefits from Ambien. To know more about its dosage and effect, you may read it.

What is Ambien?

Ambien is a prescription drug mainly used to treat the symptoms of Insomnia or trouble sleeping. Ambien can be used alone or with other medicines. Ambien medication relates to a class of drugs called Hypnotics/sedatives and Insomnia. It’s unknown whether Ambien is secure or safe and effective in children.

It’s better to only take Ambien for short periods to decrease the risk of becoming addicted or dependent on the medicine.

Ambien Dosage

Use the lowest effective dosage for the patient. The recommended primary or initial dose is 5 mg for women and either 5 or 10 milligrams for men, taken only once per night immediately before bedtime with at least 7-8 hours remaining before the planned time of awakening.

If the 5 mg Ambience dose is not adequate, the dose can be increased to 10 mg. In a few patients, the higher morning blood levels following the 10 milligrams dosage increase the risk of next-day impaired driving and other activities requiring full alertness [see precautions and warnings]. The total amount of Ambien should not exceed 10 milligrams once daily immediately before sleep or bedtime.

Ambien should be taken as a single amount or dose and should not be read ministered during the same night.

Ambien clearance is lower in women, so the recommended starting doses for women and men are different.

Specific Populations.

Elderly or debilitated patients may be susceptible to the effects of zolpidem tartrate. The required and recommended dose of Ambien in these patients is 5 milligrams once daily immediately before bedtime.

Patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment do not clear the medicine as rapidly as normal subjects. The recommended amount of Ambien in these patients is 5 milligrams once daily immediately before sleep or bedtime.

Generic zolpidem (generic Ambien) vs. Ambien

What has been your experience with Ambien? - Open Drug Stores

Zolpidem tartrate or zolpidem is the generic name of Ambien. If your pharmacist or doctor prescribes either Ambien or zolpidem, your prescription bottle will generally say zolpidem tartrate because the pharmacy provided the generic version of the medicine.

As with all generics, Ambien has been confirmed to be equivalent to Ambien throughout testing. That’s why there is no reason to be concerned about consuming the generic version.

Generic Ambien (Zolpidem) dosage comes in 5 milligrams and 10 milligrams tablets. The usual dosage of Generic Ambien is 10 mg once daily. But sometimes, your pharmacist or healthcare provider can prescribe a lower dosage, such as 5 milligrams once daily — especially if you are age 65 or older, a woman, at risk for falls, or have liver disease problems.

Similarly, the ER (extended-release) version of Generic Ambien (Zolpidem) comes in 6.25 milligrams and 12.5 mg tablets. A lower dose of Zolpidem is recommended for the same age groups of people.

Side effects of Ambien

Ambien is categorized as a non-benzodiazepine hypnotic drug. The chemical structure of this medicine was designed to reproduce the effects of benzodiazepines on the CNS (central nervous system) without the potential for addiction or abuse. Like benzodiazepines, Ambien works on receptor cells in the brain that bind with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a brain chemical that influences other neurological activities and sleep.

A few users have experienced adverse cognitive or psychological side effects of Ambien, such as:

  • Loss of emotional affect
  • Suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts
  • Memory loss
  • Disorientation to place or time
  • Nightmares
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Loss of pleasure in daily life
  • Depression

Although Ambien was initially intended to produce less drowsiness than other sleep medicines, recent research has shown that at higher doses, the drug can remain active in the individual the morning after it is taken. The U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) recently issued a warning about the possibility of “next-morning”  impairment after taking Ambien.

The (Food and Drug Administration) FDA found that in some users, blood tests revealed that there was enough Ambien in the system to cause impairment at tasks that require mental alertness and coordination, such as driving.

To decrease the risk of this side effect, the FDA recommends that prescribers limit the dose of the drug, especially for women. Individuals who take Ambien for nonmedical reasons are at risk of experiencing an intensification of adverse side effects, including the following:

  • Delayed reflex reactions
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Slow response times
  • Aggression
  • Excessive sedation
  • Hallucinations
  • Dizziness
  • Lack of motor coordination
  • Impaired judgment

Though Ambien medication is classified as a sedative, this medicine can give the user a rush of energy and euphoria when abused at high doses. However, misusing this medicine may result in extreme drowsiness, clumsiness, and confusion, increasing the risk of fractures, falls, and other accidental injuries.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration report, consumers who take Ambien to the point of intoxication may experience sedation for up to 16 hours after taking the drug. Taking Ambien with other medicines that depress the CNS (central nervous) system, such as alcohol, opioid pain medicines, or tranquilizers, intensifies the sedative effects of Ambien medication and heightens the risk of injury or overdose.

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